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    the hormone of love

    Put a little dopamine, a little vasopressin and a good dose of oxytocin, please! "These three hormones make up an explosive emotional cocktail that leads to love and attachment. oxytocin, which has legitimately gained the name of hormone of love.
    Oxytocin, the hormone of all loves:
    Oxytocin is made, like other hormones, at the level of the hypothalamus, the gland of our brain that governs our emotions.

    Oxytocin circulates in our blood to reach the various organs, including the uterus or mammary glands.

    Oxytocin has been dubbed the hormone of love because it is secreted in large amounts during orgasm, but it would be more accurate to say that it is the hormone "loves".

    Indeed, it is also she who comes into play to promote bond and attachment, especially between a baby and his mother and vice versa.

    If we go back to the origins - of the baby;  oxytocin thus allows the man to ejaculate and increases the contractions of the uterus of the woman to improve the progression of sperm to the egg.

    Then, it is again oxytocin that soothes the anxieties of the future mother during pregnancy, so it allows better sleep, but also to assimilate nutrients to promote fetal growth.

    Finally, at the time of delivery, it causes the contractions of the uterus to bring out the baby.

    Once in the arms of his mother, it is still oxytocin that is involved to promote the ejection of milk ...

    But why does oxytocin also improve the attachment between two lovers?

     Oxytocin is therefore the hormone of attachment, as we have just seen, between a mother and her child. But we produce oxytocin as well by seeing the smile of the being we love, or when we are in his arms, only by hearing his voice.

    And the production of oxytocin is at its peak at the moment of orgasm. So it allows to create a bond and attachment to the loved one similar to the one we had with our mother from birth.

    And oxytocin has the effect of a virtuous circle: the more we make love with the person we are in love with, the more we secrete oxytocin that binds us to him or her, and the more we want to do love with him or her ...

    When one thinks in addition to the influence of the smells on the libido, one says that the expression "chemistry of the love" takes here all its meaning...

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